Who Are You?
What makes you, you? Growing up has allowed me to change and adjust my interests, but at the same time, some of my likes and dislikes have never waivered. Identity crisis is so raw and real. Often times, the first sense of it comes when you have graduated high school and are figuring out for the first time ever where you want your future to take you. Some people are set in pursuing the same career they have dreamt about since they were in pre-school. I think back to that era and the pictures I drew of myself of what I wanted to be when I grew up. Four-year-old me wanted to be a police woman on a motorcycle – I know what you are thinking. That is very specific, Jess. LOL!
The years go on, and we enter middle school and high school where we start to really grow into our personalities, and learn what our strengths and weakness are. Yet there is still no heavy push for us to have all the answers on where we wish to be in 10 years. Flash forward to graduating high school and all of these adult decisions are ready for you to take the reigns on as you decide if you are going to college, or pursuing a passion where college does not fit into. Regardless, there is a pressure to embark on a career path based on your interests and skillsets that will ideally set you up for a fulfilling and enjoyable life ahead.
I initially sparked interest in becoming a lawyer because those around me respected my mediating abilities. As I applied to colleges, I realized I wanted to major in Communication because I excelled in written and verbal communication in school, and I had an asset of being bilingual and fluent in Spanish. Entering college was daunting because I still had no idea what field of Communication I wanted to be in.
I ended up auditioning for Endicott College’s news anchor role and landed it after discovering I was naturally talented in reading off a teleprompter. That is where my love for on-screen broadcasting began, and I thought I had found my niche, and my forever career I was going to pursue. I transferred to Southern New Hampshire University after my freshman year of college, but unfortunately there was no campus television station for me to continue enhancing my broadcasting skills. As my journey at SNHU continued, I was invited to a special dinner with some of my SNHU college professors and representatives from Boston’s NECN and Telemundo television stations. They knew with me being bilingual and a natural at communicating, I would have a leg up in the world of broadcasting, which gave me such a drive to continue pursuing that goal. Although when it came time to searching for an internship at local television stations, none of them were looking for broadcasting interns, so my dream started to fade away because I was left with no local opportunities to build upon my broadcasting skills for my resume.
After graduating from SNHU, I embarked into jobs I never envisioned: an operations position for an international retail trading and exporting company, a staffing recruiter for healthcare professionals, and now come full circle, I have been working at SNHU as an academic advisor for online students, all while pursing my Master’s degree and continuing to work at the Puritan Backroom restaurant on the weekends. None of these careers I have been in relate to a police woman on a motorcycle, a lawyer, or a television broadcaster. However, they have deeply enhanced my communication skills in ways I never thought were possible. I am forever grateful for the opportunities that have shaped and molded me into both the professional and personal brands that I uphold.
My journey has led me to following my heart’s desires in what I felt was right. I adapted to any setbacks I faced, and focused on what I wanted to pursue based on the gifts and talents I felt where most beneficial to leading a fulfilling life. This includes having a direct hand in guiding and helping my students pursue their dreams, while also furthering my education to continue to enhance my knowledge and passions of communication, social media, and marketing. It brings me such joy to be a light to others every day in my career while also being able to spread positivity and encouragement to my readers every single week through my blog posts.
I am blessed to have had the support from my family to navigate my higher education and change my mind a handful of times, rather than be stuck working in a field someone told me to go into just because I was good at a certain skill, or it was in the family line of legacy to uphold, or it was a field where you can make a lot of money in. You are not bound to live a life controlled by outside thoughts and opinions. This is your life to live, and your happiness is in your hands.
“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot
There is only one you in this world. It is vastly important to maintain your own identity. Do not lose sight of your passions, your dreams, your aspirations, or your interests. Make sure that those are all coming from your heart’s wants and desires, and not planted into your life by any outside influence.
When you peel back all of your layers, who are you deep inside? Remember that you are much more than someone’s spouse or significant other. You are much more than someone's parent, sibling, or friend. You are much more than your career title or income. You are much more than your hobbies or interests. Your journey may look different than those around you because no one should be on the same exact timeline. Everyone’s encounters and lessons in life will vary. You are wonderfully and uniquely made. You have been put on this earth by God for a reason. Although life can be challenging, and change is inevitable as we grow older, we must always stand true to who we are. No one else can live out your life except for you!
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
