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Where Will Your Compass Lead You?

I just recently started my 5th course for my Master’s degree, and it is a Law & Ethics class. I had the opportunity to take an Ethics course in my undergraduate degree program, but I selected another option to take instead. In these first couple of weeks of my course, I have grasped a lot of valuable information that can be applicable to not only a professional realm, but also in one’s personal life.

In short, ethics are moral principles that govern one’s behavior and decision-making. A lot of the ethical standards and guidelines that I have read about can truly translate well into my own life. I made a list of the top ethical guidelines I hold myself to on a day-to-day basis, and I encourage you to make a list of your own as well!

1. Stay humble and kind always

2. Remain open, receptive, and non-judgmental

3. Strive to continuously learn and grow

4. Treat others with respect and grace

5. Prioritize my faith

6. Continuously encourage and help those around me

7. Instill trust and loyalty into each relationship I build

8. Love myself and others unconditionally

9. Show empathy

10. Stand up for what I believe in

Having your own moral compass and set of ethical standards will create a solid foundation in your life. Setting guidelines for how you behave will improve your overall lifestyle in a positive way. A lack of a core set of values and morals will often lead you astray from what matters in life.

I take pride in my kindness because one small act of kindness can have a domino effect on those around us in the best way possible. You control your behavior, decisions, and actions. If today wasn’t your best day, then don’t stress because tomorrow you have a brand new start!

“The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them.” – Proverbs 11:3

Aim for living with consistent integrity and an outpouring amount of love. Exemplary morals and values will never lead you astray. Lets change the world for the better, one act at a time.

Remember to stay humble and kind, always!

Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:

Instagram: jess_puch

TikTok: jesspuch

xo –Jess



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