Vitamin Sea
This weekend I crossed another “first” off of my bucket list. I was mixture of nervous and excited because I did not know what to expect, yet I am always ready to embrace any new experience and adventure. Carol took our friends Hannah, Mike, and I snorkeling at Phil-Foster Park off of Riviera Beach, FL. It is known to be one of the most popular and easily accessible snorkeling areas. Carol has been there plenty of times and has documented so many of her snorkeling sights and finds of all of the underwater wildlife from sharks to stingrays to schools of fish. Carol has a go-pro and documents clips of her dives whenever she goes. She dives right to the bottom of the ocean floor to get close-ups of all of the sea-life. Check out her content on her Instagram page:
On our way to Phil-Foster Park, we encountered a couple of hiccups. There was a giant parade going on that blocked off the main path to get to the beach. After some detoured routes, we were able to get around the parade and back on track. Then we pulled into the parking lot and because it was a Saturday morning, it was packed. We were all circling the parking lot for what seemed for forever hoping for a miracle to find two parking spots. I said a prayer, and soon after that, we secured a spot. Just after we pulled into our spot, Hannah and Mike found a spot as well. What seemed like the odds were stacked against us led to a wonderful day ahead.
We put on our snorkeling fins and masks and inched ourselves into the shallow end of the water getting a feel for breathing solely out of the mouth guards under water. It was hard to get used to at first as it was so unnatural to breathe without my nose, but I embraced the challenge and got used to it rather quickly. My body adapted to the water and stayed buoyant while floating on my stomach and swimming underwater. The water’s visibility was perfect and crystal-clear. In the shallow end, there were the tiniest fish swimming around us. As we got used to the idea of it all, we ventured into the deeper end and that is where the endless beauty began to appear. We stumbled upon a sunken boat and reefs scattered about. The most beautiful and colorful schools of fish were in our reach and swimming in every direction.
“The best way to observe a fish is to become a fish.” – Jacques Cousteau
The sights of the day included: an array of colorful fish that reminded me of those featured in Finding Nemo, massive and long barracuda fish, seahorses, a conch, and a giant starfish. My favorite fish was a beautiful shade of bright blue. Because it was pretty crowded that morning, we did not see any sea turtles, stingrays, eagle rays, eels, octopus, or sharks. Carol tends to see those kinds of sea-life in the early sunrise dives that she goes on. Check out some of the snapshots that Carol captured below.
I was blown away with just how many reefs there were so close to shore. Snorkeling wiped us out for the couple hours we were out there for, but I am so excited to go again and see what other sea-life I stumble upon. My goal is to see a stingray because they are my second favorite animal. My top favorite animal is an orangutan. What is your favorite animal?
I challenge you all to try something new this week! I wrote this blog post this morning at a coffee shop called Deke’s in Delray. Abby and Carol have tried it before and raved about it! If you are ever in the area, give it a try. The iced latte is delicious, and they make their own house nut milk! Whether it is trying a new coffee shop or restaurant, or trying a new activity such as snorkeling, expanding your experiences makes life so exciting!
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
