Universal Magic
This past weekend, Abby, Carol, Sven, and I enjoyed the perks of living in Florida. We drove up to Orlando and spent a full day at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure theme parks to celebrate Carol’s birthday. I hadn’t been to Universal since 2015, so experiencing all of the new updates was a blast. The top highlights of our adventure included:
1. Drinking a frozen butterbeer in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, walking through the castle, and discovering the hidden entrance to Diagon Alley. My inner child shined through, as Harry Potter is my absolute favorite. I am a Hufflepuff. What Hogwarts house are you?
2. Carol and I bravely rode and survived the Jurassic Park VelociCoaster. We truly had an out of body experience riding that ride. We both love rollercoasters, but it sure says something if our eyes were closed 99% of the ride and our voices went hoarse from screaming – LOL
3. Being given VIP treatment by Ron Knight who works at the Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon ride. We approached Ron asking where the regular line was, as we did not have an express pass. He immediately stopped what he was doing, took us under his wing, and said, “You’re VIP’s today.” Ron was unbelievably kind and made our entire experience at Universal so memorable. He gave us a tour of the building behind the scenes, took our photo with Hashtag the Panda from The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, took us to the room where celebrities hang out when they visit the park, took us to the center point of Universal, which is only able to be accessed on the rooftop where celebrities hang out, and where we took a photo standing on the point, which is pictured below, and lastly got brought to the front of the line of the ride. He shared that him and his whole family work at Universal, which is so wonderful. He also shared he is an author and owns a publishing company, so we networked briefly, and will stay in touch as Abby and I are avid writers. Kindness goes such a long way. #RonRocks
4. It rained on and off all day, and we timed our park exit so perfectly because just as we approached the Universal globe to leave, a stunning and bright double rainbow shined over us, and is pictured below.
From the magic experienced in Harry Potter World to the magic witnessing the ultimate double rainbow, our trip to Universal was one for the books. Lasting memories were made, and I could not think of a better way to celebrate Carol’s birthday! Stay tuned for many more Florida adventures to come!
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
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Instagram: jess_puch
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xo –Jess
