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Twenties Tactics

This applies to all ages, but specifically I am going to apply this post to my twenties because that is the current season I am in. I am 25, and turning 26 in October, and realize that what I thought was important in my early 20’s certainly is not where my focus is at 25. My priorities have shifted and matured, but what have never shifted are my dreams.

Reaching your goals and dreams takes a lot of hard work. Others around you may have the exact same dreams in life, such as getting married and having children. It can be hard seeing others reach that stage in life before you, knowing that you want it just as bad. We are all on completely different paths and trajectories on our timelines in life. There is a plan for each and every one of you, but it will not fall into place without some work and effort on your end. Patience (as hard as it is) is key.

A tip I can pass along and cannot stress enough is to save and invest your money! I have always been a good saver, but in my early twenties I did not think too much about it. I have taken it a step further and not only do I have a retirement fund going at one of my jobs, and a standard savings account through the bank, but I have partnered with an investment company to put money each month into multiple investment options. Starting to save and invest at a young age, if you have the means to (no matter if it is $1/month or $1,000/month), is key to setting yourself up for a successful future. I know so many people my age who do not think of saving money as a priority in their current stage in life. Think of it this way: If you buy one less coffee a week, you are already on your way to saving money that adds up tremendously when you do not pay attention. That money I put away is out of sight and out of mind, yet it is so beneficial for my future family and I. Please reach out to me if you would like more information about saving and investing.

Investing time into your education and career goals, financial assets, relationships, passions, and caring for and loving yourself will transform you into the best version of yourself. When you are 100% taking care of yourself, your life will start to soar and fall into place in ways you never thought were possible. Expect the unexpected in your journey. When your values and passions are put into clear focus, your happiness will sky rocket.

From the age of 20 until now, there are far less distractions and insecurities at play, and being 100% myself has shifted into gear. I am pursuing my Master’s degree, working two jobs, aligning and prioritizing my relationships with those who want to cheer me on and do life alongside me, and I can confidently say that I have never been happier.

“The mind is like water. When it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see. When it’s calm, everything becomes clear.” – Prasad Mahes

It is the little seeds that you plant that do not seem like much, that are the most transformative in shaping your future. Ask yourself what do you want in life? What can you do today that will prepare you and take you one step closer into reaching your dreams?

Remember to stay humble and kind, always!

Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:

Instagram: jess_puch

TikTok: jesspuch

xo –Jess



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