Tis the Season
There are four seasons each year: spring, summer, fall, and winter. I am lucky to live in New Hampshire where each season is distinct in its transformative temperatures and physical surroundings. If you are a fellow New Englander you can agree that the summers are far too short, and pass within the blink of an eye. I believe fall starts as soon as the seasonal flavors return to coffee shops. As much as I enjoy summer, I look forward to fall the most. The fall holidays, activities, treats, foliage, fashion, and my birthday are some of my favorite aspects of the season. As summer of 2021 comes to an end, I ask you to reflect on how this summer went for you? Did you experience new opportunities, or was it more of a mundane and quiet time?
I take each season ending and a new one beginning as a blessing. I take the time to set myself up with a brand new list of goals, both big and small, that I wish to accomplish. Because the seasons are a set amount of months per year, I can hold myself accountable for what I wish to complete before the following season. It allows me to reach attainable goals, but also roll over larger goals and carry them in to the new season to continue pursuing.
This summer felt vastly different than last summer due to COVID restrictions not being as intense as they were this time last year. I was able to travel to Florida two separate times. The first time, I took a mini vacation with my best friend Haley to Orlando, and was able to reunite with my cousin, Alex, who is like the sister to me. We are six weeks apart in age and grew up inseparable. I have not had the opportunity to see her in 4 years, which is not typical for us. The second trip to Florida was to visit my best friends Abby and Carol, who recently moved to the east coast of Florida, and are minutes from the beach. It was absolute paradise.
Aside from travelling, I made it a goal to spend more quality and meaningful time with friends and family. I have always been a busy-bee hopping from outing to outing, just so that I did not have to miss out on any given plan. I strongly prioritized valuable time over saying yes to every meet-up. It was in those moments I felt most alive because I was present and enjoying my time with those I was with, and not having anywhere else to be.
It is ok to be complacent and content with where you are at in life, but each season brings physical change to our surroundings, and also gives us ample opportunity to grow as well. There are times where we are in our groove and set in our daily routines. However, that is when we should get out of our comfort zones and expand our horizons.
I have leaned on my faith more so than ever since COVID hit. As my relationship with God grows each day, so do my wants and desires to be the best I can be in what God has planned for me. Change can be terrifying because it is uncharted territory than what we are used to. Personally, I enjoy change. I get bored with being stuck in the same routine, which is why growth and spontaneity are extremely important when pursuing your calling and purpose in life.
I believe there are reasons why department stores put out holiday decorations months out in advance. They are preparing you for what is to come even when you are not ready to face and think about the future. God acts with the same mindset. He knows what plans he has for you, and plants the seeds into your daily routine, so that when the time is right, and the new season of your life is ready to take off, you are prepared to step out with full faith that the new opportunities you are presented with are meant to grow you. They have been placed on your path in perfect and divine timing. What is meant for you will not miss your path.
My favorite bible verse is Hebrews 11:6, which says, “Without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.”
I was always one to worry about the future, and stress over the timeline in my life in regards to my education, career, relationships, marriage, having children, etc. Now that I have shifted my mindset into putting my full trust and faith that I am exactly where I need to be, an utter sense of peace lives within me. I have God to thank for that. When we live with God at our focal point, no sense of anxiety or fear can deter you away from living out your life at your fullest potential.
I have friends and family that do not know God or believe in his works, but what I know I have control over is sharing my faith and personal experiences with my audience. Growing up in a faith-centered household and educational background truly molded me into who I am today. My faith and relationship with God strengthens each and every day. If you asked me a year ago that I would be launching a blog, and consistently writing weekly posts, I would not have believed you. Change is inevitable. You never know when to expect it, but you always have the power to embrace it. It can lead you into areas you did not even think were possible. The best is always yet to come.
With each season, new adventures and moments are created. If there are trials that you are facing and struggling with, or areas in which you feel stuck in, just know that each season comes to an end, and brings a fresh start, just as the four seasons of the year do. Learn, grow, and embrace every opportunity or obstacle that you encounter. Take risks, pray for guidance, and lean on those who love you. It is the strength that is within you that can plan for tomorrow to be even better than today. Prioritizing your happiness in accordance to all changes that you encounter, will allow you to be one step closer to reaching your heart’s dreams and desires.
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
