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Third Time is the Charm

How was your weekend? Mine was relaxing and adventure-filled. Saturday kicked off with my dad and I enjoying our float therapy appointments, which was the perfect way to unwind from the work week. The second part of the day included my best friend Jess and I going on a road trip to Massachusetts to Nashoba Valley Winery. We love adventuring to new vineyards to go wine tasting, and with the beautiful spring day that it was, we had the opportunity to sit outside. We arrived towards the later part of the day so we did not get to explore the on-site brewery, distillery, or storefront, but overall it was a day well spent surrounded by excellent company and friendly staff. Go visit if you get the chance to. I highly recommend the peach wine!

Sunday was round two of road tripping to Massachusetts. My best friend Haley and I love to shop and love cheesecake, so we ventured to The Burlington Mall, which has the closest Cheesecake Factory to us. We did some shopping, had an excellent meal, and ordered cheesecake to go. It was a lovely day spent with wonderful company.

Going to The Cheesecake Factory is always a treat. I wanted to try a new appetizer on their menu, and when I went to order it, our waiter came back and apologized stating they ran out of it. I quickly picked a backup option that is my safe bet as something I know I like and have had before, but he apologized again stating they ran out of that too. I began scanning the menu unsure of what to select at that point, and the waiter chimed in and suggested the eggroll sampler. I love trying recommendations from servers because they know what is best. Without hesitation I agreed to that selection, and Haley and I were pleasantly surprised with how good the dish was. Third time is the charm right? I would have never thought to choose that dish, but I was so glad I got the opportunity to try it, as it will be one of my go-to picks from now on.

At any point in life, you do not always get what you want. Plan A might fall through, and so may Plan B. It is the unexpected ways that situations fall into place unexpectedly that make everything worthwhile. If one door never closed, you would never see another door open. Remain reluctant that if something does not go quite how you planned it to, it will all work itself out exactly how it is meant to – even if you don’t see the bigger picture in the moment.

“If plan A doesn’t work, the alphabet has 25 more letters.” – Claire Cook

Remember to stay humble and kind, always!

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Instagram: jess_puch

TikTok: jesspuch

xo –Jess



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