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They've Got a Friend in Me

This past weekend, I drove up to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida to meet up with one of my best friends Christina, her baby boy to be, and her future sister-in-law Wiktoria. When I visited Christina a couple months ago in North Carolina, I booked my tickets to join them for a couple of days on their girls trip celebrating Wiktoria's birthday. Christina and I are true Disney fanatics through and through, and we have always dreamt of going to Disney together. Dreams do come true! I had a blast getting to know Wiktoria. She is such a ray of sunshine, and they both know that they've always got a friend in me. Cheers to long-time friendships and new friendships! This post's title was inspired by the song, "You've Got a Friend in Me" by Randy Newman featured in Toy Story.

Disney World truly is the happiest place on earth. I love to people watch, and as I scanned throughout the massive crowds every day, I thought to myself: What brought people here? Is it a vacation? Is it their first time ever visiting? Is it their first time in Florida? Are they celebrating something special? Magic and smiles are seen all throughout the parks, and it is so incredible to see that everyone gathered and came to this happy place for an individualized reason of their own. Night one on the bus ride home to our resort after dinner, there was a woman sitting across from us with a Disney pin stating she was celebrating being cancer free. It was so touching, and we all congratulated her! Everyone has such a unique reason for what brought them to this very place in this very moment.

I made it to each of the fours theme parks once, and to Disney Springs twice during my time in Orlando. Highlights include:

-Trying the Croque Glacé in France at Epcot (a delectable pressed brioche ice cream sandwich)

-Going on Remy's Ratatouille Adventure ride in Epcot for the first time

-Riding the Tower of Terror at Hollywood Studios

-Eating at Woody's Lunchbox at Hollywood Studios (their Grown Up's Lemonade was the star of the show)

-Having a real-life giraffe walk by inches away from me during the safari tour at Animal Kingdom

-Eating at Casey's Corner at Magic Kingdom (their corn dog nuggets were such a nostalgic childhood treat)

-Watching the return of Happily Ever After fireworks display at Magic Kingdom (I get chills every time the narrator says, "And so, our journey comes to an end. But yours continues on. Grab ahold of your dreams and make them come true. For you are the key to unlocking your own magic. Now go. Let your dreams guide you. Reach out and find your Happily Ever After.")

-Watching Mickey and Minnie say goodnight to us as we were leaving Magic Kingdom

-Having Mickey-shaped beignets for breakfast

-Trying the new cheesecake special at Polite Pig before heading home

As you all may know, I am such a foodie, and got to try so many new snacks at Disney that I discovered through various TikTok videos. Stay tuned for a video I'll be posting on my TikTok channel with everything I ate on this trip, so you can refer back to it for recommendations on your next Disney trip!

There were so many wonderful memories made this past week. I am so excited for the next time I get to visit Walt Disney World, and for when I get to reunite with Christina and Wiktoria again!

Wishing you all a magical week!

Remember to stay humble and kind, always!

Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:

Instagram: jess_puch

TikTok: jesspuch

xo –Jess



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