Thankful for Traditions
How was your Thanksgiving? I was blessed to have the ability to fly home and spend the holiday with my family. I almost didn’t fly up, but was very grateful I did and soak up time with my family and friends. This Thanksgiving in particular will forever hold a special place in my heart because I was able to spend it with my entire family. I am currently writing this blog post in the Baltimore airport as I wait for my connecting flight back to Florida.
Annually, a lot of people from my hometown go out downtown the night before Thanksgiving. It gives us the chance to catch up with each other – especially those out of state. Traditions are important to uphold and cherish. Pictured below is a photo of my friends Jess, Michelle, and I the night before Thanksgiving. We realized that over they years, we have taken a photo all together, and that is a tradition we will continue to carry on.
This year was vastly different compared to last year. Last year, it felt like a ghost town, and not many people were out and about. Nonetheless, I always enjoy getting together with my friends and spending quality time with them. It was my first year visiting from out of state, which made me treasure the time with them even more. This year drew in a much larger crowd. We hopped around a couple of spots, and ran into so many familiar faces varying from elementary school to middle school to high school to college peers. My brother was of age to go out this year, so I ran into him and his friends as well, which was a foreign feeling to see him in my old stomping grounds. We had a blast!
It fills my cup when I get the opportunity to see those who are not a part of my every day life, but memories flash back to old times as if they were just yesterday. I enjoy the chance to listen in on what has been going in on their lives and support, and admire where each of their journeys have taken them thus far. We were all once in the same environment and stage in life, but have since branched out and have followed our unique paths, dreams, and passions. Some of us are single, in relationships, engaged, married, have children, etc. No matter what stage of life you are at, it is important to be appreciative of the exact season of life you are in. Before you know it, you will be onto your next season, chapter, or stage of life. Take the time to be present in each moment, connection, or conversation you are a part of.
One of my high school classmates who I haven’t seen since graduation – aside from seeing glimpses of their life through social media over the years – approached me and said, “Jess, you’re a writer. How awesome!” I was taken aback in the best way possible because that part of me has now become memorable to others. Writing has always been a passion of mine, and I took my interest, and intentionally incorporated it into my life weekly through this blog. I hope to one day get the opportunity to be paid to write and take this passion of mine even further. However, I firmly believe that whether one person reads my writing or 1,000 people do, I will continue to do what I love, be vulnerable, and reach those who are meant to stumble across my posts. I am truly thankful for all of you. My readers and supporters inspire me every single day.
Wishing you all a healthy and joyous holiday season!
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
