Stress Less
We’ve all experienced stress before. It’s a natural feeling to have, but can overtake our bodies if not handled or released properly. I’ve tried the hand-held stress balls from an office, and although they work for some people, they don’t work for me. Everyone releases stress in different ways. After a stressful work day do you find yourself going to the gym, taking a walk, going for a drive, taking a shower, meeting people out, or lying in your bed in complete silence to release the stress? Whatever works for you then keep doing it. Yet if you still find yourself stressed after a stress-relieving activity, it may be time to try a new outlet.
I am prone to let stress build up and not even realize it until my body starts showing physical signs of it. I have chronic back pain, but it is extra intense in my shoulders and neck when I’m stressed, so I make it a point to go get a chiropractor adjustment to release the tension. My friend Carly and I check in with each other when our eyes twitch on occasion because that is a firm indicator that our bodies are stressed and we need to vent to one another. Bottling it up is not the best route, so I am consistently working on ways to release stressors as they enter my life.
The news has been very saddening lately, which can cause overthinking and stress in many forms. So many of us are glued to our mobile devices, work computers, and TVs that our brains are constantly overworking themselves and not having a proper shut down time. It is imperative to find a balance and shut the world off during different points in the day. Try to not always think of what’s next in your future because the only thing in our control is what is in front of us right this moment. Focusing on the present moment and not letting our minds wander and overthink is easier said than done, but it is a habit to certainly work on to stress less. Sometimes I find myself stress-baking. My mind is in overdrive mode already, that I release the energy into keeping myself busy, following a recipe, and baking treats for my family. Then there are other times where I want cocoon myself in bed and journal or meditate. Pictured below is a journal I bought with flamingos on the cover. My Grammy who passed away loved to write all of her family and friends hand-written letters, and her favorite animal was a flamingo!
Stress does not always have to be induced my negative instances. Stress can arise in happy times such as planning a surprise party and trying to coordinate every final detail to ensure everything goes smoothly. Stress can be complete adrenaline rushes brought on by exhilarating moments! Humans by nature are often times in a constant hustle mode that we may forget to unwind and care for our well-being. We are in charge of the energy we input and output, so when a stressful environment or situation arises next, how will you approach it? Be mindful of taking a moment to breathe and not let your mind go into instant overdrive mode. Your body will definitely thank you for it. Remember to find stress-relieving outlets that work for you so that you may move about your day with ease and less stress.
“Don’t cry over the past. It’s gone. Don’t stress about the future. It hasn’t arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful.” – Unknown
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
