Strange & Spooky
Happy Halloween! If you celebrate, what are you dressing up as? I am inspired to do a purple-themed makeup look resembling Violet from Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
With spooky season coming to an end, Abby, Carol, and two of Carol’s brothers, Sven and Will, and I ventured down to Miami, Florida this past weekend. We spent time walking around the Wynwood Art District and checked out Walt Grace Vintage – a café, guitar, and antique sports car shop. The barista who took my order was so friendly, and it started my day off on a wonderful note. It’s a must-see if you find yourself in the area. There is so much beautiful graffiti and artwork on every building you walk by. I cannot wait to go back and continue to explore the area.
We ate lunch at Bartaco. Just before we entered, one of the workers handed me a free taco token, which could be redeemed at their outdoor window. I was in my happy place there with the ambiance of the Spanish music. It had the most flavorful food and drinks I have ever tasted. I highly recommend going to one of their locations if you get the chance, and order their spicy margarita, pork belly tacos, and street corn.
What brought us down to Miami was a Stranger Things pop-up exhibit. Abby and Carol got me hooked on the show once I moved down. They are mega fans, and have been to the filming sites in Georgia, which is awesome! I now understand the hype of the show, and am a true fan. I even got my mom hooked on it too! The sets were so well-done. I felt like I was truly inside The Byers’ living room. Every detail was spot-on in every room we walked into. Pictured below are Abby, Carol, and I in front of a Demogorgon.
It was such a fun-filled weekend spent adventuring, and we encountered the kindest people and interactions along the way.
“I think probably kindness is my number one attribute in a human being.” – Roald Dahl
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
