Simply Single
To all my single readers, this post is for you!
We are all in the same boat and living in a season of singleness. I encourage you to enjoy the current season you are in, and do not rush the timeline of your life. Do you remember when you were younger and you could not wait until you were an adult? Fast forward to adulthood, and do you now find yourself wishing you were a kid again without a responsibility or care in the world? You should cherish the current moment you are in because in the blink of an eye, this season will pass, and you will be on to the next.
One of my main desires is to find the man I am going to marry, build a family with, and grow old with. I truly believe in never settling because I know my worth and what I deserve. I date with the intent of pursuing a relationship that will ultimately lead to marriage. I always envisioned being married by age 26. It is safe to say that I cannot force my timeline into place, but rather trust in God’s timing because His plan for my life will blow my expectations out of the water. There is a reason everyone enters your life. Heartbreak is real, but you are that much closer to uniting with your forever person.
There are plenty of times where I have questioned why I am single, and why have I not found my spouse yet. Seeing so many people around you in relationships can lead to a downward spiral of comparing your path to others. However, as I have matured, I have actually cherished being single for the sole purpose of getting to grow and evolve into the best version of myself. You are whom you attract, so be sure to put your best self forward and the best will follow.
I know that in this time of singleness, I have been able to flourish independently and continuously put all of my energy into pursuing my goals, dreams, and aspirations. I am grateful for the opportunity to thrive and pursue my calling because the time spent alone and working on bettering myself, will be fulfilled by joining forces with my forever person and empowering the world together someday soon.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”
Don’t rush and settle to fill the void of loneliness. Take this time to learn and grow. Embrace being single because the best is yet to come!
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
