Shower All with Kindness
When was the last time that someone was unkind to you, and how did you react? I have faced many instances of being poorly treated over the years working in various roles within the customer service and restaurant industries. Usually my first reaction is complete shock when someone is speaking out in a poor manner. My face feels like it’s burning up, but I’ve learned that the best thing you can do is compose yourself and not stoop down to their level. I’ve bit my tongue more times than I can count, but I am a firm believer in treating everyone the way you wish to be treated through genuine understanding, compassion, respect, and kindness.
Often times people take out their emotions on the first person they come in contact with. No one should be disrespected or belittled, so I will always advocate to stand your ground, but do it with a manner of respect. Remember that poor behavior and actions are a reflection of that person and their character, and not directly reflected on yourself. However, it is always good practice to reflect on the situation and what part you played in it. That person may be hurting or having a bad day, so you truly never know what someone is going through. It should not be an excuse to treat others poorly, which is why kindness and compassion should always be the answer.
An example that will always be a defining moment of staying true to myself was years ago when I had just started out as a restaurant hostess. A giant party of nearly 100 people filed into the restaurant close to closing time. There were limited wait staff still on, so we needed to divvy up their sections evenly, and seat everyone in a timely manner. It was certainly overwhelming, and it was an “all hands on deck” situation. A woman approached me as we all started seating people, and began to full blown out scream at me inches away from my face. She followed me insisting I rearrange parties because she did not like where they were being placed. As I politely conversed with her and pointed out the wait staff’s entire designated table sections, my coworkers and manager had my back, but it was such repulsive behavior to experience. A couple of individuals in her party came up to me and apologized for her behavior knowing I did not deserve to be treated in that manner. When I got back up to the host stand, I sunk down, and just started to cry. Being so young, I did not have as much of a backbone as I do now, but it was certainly an eye opening experience and allowed me to grow thick skin when dealing with unkind people.
Never regret being a good person to the wrong people. We live in a broken world, where every bit of kindness will impact those around us. Be proud of your morals and character. There is a story behind every person and why they are the way they are. In the midst of chaos, may you always choose the higher road and exude kindness. You are the only one who can control your own behavior and emotions.
“Attract what you expect. Reflect what you desire. Become what you respect, and mirror what you admire.” – Unknown
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
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Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
