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Self-Care: Smiles for Your Soul

What actions are you taking to care of yourself? Self-care is so important, and often brushed off. I am a huge self-care advocate because up until the pandemic hit, I was always on the go and rarely made time for myself. I was almost never home and booked up all of my free time with plans because sitting around doing nothing felt wrong and selfish to me. Quarantine was a blessing in disguise because it allowed me to slow down, reflect, and make time for myself. “You-time” should always be a priority. Finding a balance for your body, mind, and soul can be difficult, but I set aside nights to do absolutely nothing and I notice myself feeling significantly more energized. My body is thanking me for prioritizing rest.

There is no one who is going to take care of your physical and mental self except for you. Make the time to put yourself first, even if that is blocking off time in your calendar for it. I believe self-care is delivering the best version of you to the world instead of what is left of you if you neglect self-care practices.

For the past year, I have found an outlet to physically and mentally unwind and unplug from the world an hour each month aside from additional self-care practices. My friends introduced me to float therapy. I even got my dad hooked on it, and recommend trying it at least once. You float in 10 inches of water that contains over 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt. You become instantly buoyant in the water and it matches the temperature of your skin. It truly is a surreal out of body experience because it feels like you are floating on air.

You do not have to exude any energy since the water holds you up. Your muscles relax and you choose how you want to spend your hour floating. I shut the lights off and become so relaxed that I instantly fall asleep. I then am woken up to the sound of Bob Marley music playing, so I know my hour is up. Float therapy and Epsom salt water in general have so many health benefits. I suffer from Scoliosis and my back is in pain often. One hour of floating causes my back to release all pain and muscle tension and I feel so recharged for the rest of the day. I also have elevated sitting blood pressure levels, and float therapy reduces hypertension. My breathing becomes so steady that I significantly notice a difference in my heart rate lowering too.

Definitely research float therapy facilities in your area if you are interested, and feel free to contact me with any questions. Float therapy has become a permanent part of my routine. I go to NH Float Therapy in Londonderry, NH. For more information, please visit their website at:

Physical and mental self-care is essential. I encourage you all to find time to set aside for yourselves each week. Go for a run, book a massage, do a face mask and have a movie night at home, or unwind with no plans at all. Have some “you-time” because you deserve it. Your body will thank you for it, and you will feel extra energized, and thus be able to emulate the very best version of yourself to the world.

Remember to stay humble and kind, always!

Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:

Instagram: jess_puch

TikTok: jesspuch

xo –Jess



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