Pure Bliss Turning 26
I turned 26 last Tuesday, which means I have now entered my late twenties, which is wild to think about. Time is flying by in the blink of an eye. The age of 26 has a lot of meaning behind it because my mom and her mom (my grandma) both got married at 26. I refer to myself as a single pringle, and am on quite a different timeline than they both were at my age. In hindsight that is completely acceptable because everyone’s journey is unique.
When I think back to where I was a year ago, I am very pleased with where I am currently at, and where I am headed. A year ago, this blog was not even an idea in my head. Mid-way through being 25 years old, I launched this blog of mine, and have written a post consistently every single week. I am immensely grateful for all of the support my readers have shown me. I have a passion for writing and will continue sharing my thoughts, experiences, inspiration, and encouragement no matter if one person reads my posts, or a thousand people read them. I know my pieces of writing will find the right audience and gravitate towards those who need it most.
I have experienced a lot of firsts this past year. I have been able to visit so many new cities in Florida, Arizona, and California. I have witnessed two of my incredible friends get married. I have watched a few of my best friends move to new states across the country, but also got to visit each of them this year in their respective states of Florida and Arizona. I got to launch my blog, which I am beyond humbled to continue to share my creativity and life with all of you. I was filled with joy seeing my cousin graduate high school and go off to college, and get to watch my brother get inducted into pharmacy school. I have been able to celebrate my parents’ 30th wedding anniversary. I have had the opportunity to grow deeper with my friends, family, and God, in which I realized that it is the quality of the relationships around me that I treasure, and not the quantity. All in all, I have been able to celebrate, create, and cherish memories with everyone that I love in each season that has passed being 25.
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” – Oprah Winfrey
I welcome 26 with open arms and a giant smile on my face because in just one year, I have bettered myself into the best version I can be as I begin this new trip around the sun. This year’s birthday was far better than expected. I believe that the age that you are turning is the amount of days you have to honor your birthday! My family and friends made me feel so special and blessed throughout each lunch and dinner that I shared with them. The top two memorable moments of my endless celebrating were first when I went over my grandparents’ house on my actual birthday, and my grandma made a heart shaped fried dough for me, which was precious because she handed it to me and said “I love you” in English. If you know her, you know she does not speak much English, so it was such a heartfelt moment. Secondly, when I had my mom’s side of the family over this past weekend, my aunt, uncle, and cousin gifted me a sign that says Always Stay Humble & Kind. Do you recognize those words? That is the motto of my blog, and such a thoughtful gift that I cannot wait to hang up on my wall.
I am passing on a pen to you, that you may continue living out and writing your life’s story one chapter at a time. Set out and embark on chasing all of your dreams. Mark down some brand new goals, both big and small, and by your next birthday, reflect back on all of the new memories made. Turning older should not bring any stress, but instead it should feel liberating because you get to celebrate your life and feel inspired to endure new chapters and experiences year over year. Cheers to 26! I am thrilled for what this upcoming year has in store for me, and I wish the same for each and every one of you!
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
