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Presence is of the Essence

We all get distracted. Being fully immersed and present in a moment can be difficult. I know at times I was guilty of zoning out in conversations, overanalyzing my past, overthinking my future, or caring more about what was on my cell phone than whom I was in the presence of. Shifting your mindset to what truly matters is an ongoing journey. Mindfulness is important for your mental health. Focus on the “now” because that is all we can control.

I have evolved into prioritizing and valuing my time and energy and those I give it to. You will never see me on my phone when I am out to eat with my loved ones or friends. I cherish the present moment of whom I am spending it with. My phone is either upside down on the table or put away. It is a different story if you are showing someone something on your phone, but otherwise, be mindful of being present. If someone cannot give you their full attention when they are with you then do they really value your relationship?

“I know that the purpose of life is to understand and be in the present moment with the people you love. It’s just that simple.” – Jane Seymour

I am a busy body and have a very packed schedule most days. I tend to look through my phone at night when I have some time to unwind and catch up on the day. Even when I am on vacation, I put my phone on airplane mode to fully immerse myself into the moments and memories I am making. I will only use my phone to capture a picture or video unless I have some down time. Distractions will not bring you satisfaction, but being engaged and giving those around you your undivided attention will bring much more meaning to your life.

Don’t get me wrong. I love social media and technology. I am pursuing my Master’s degree in Communication with a concentration in New Media and Marketing. What I have grown out of is letting technology consume me. I used to aimlessly scroll on social media and re-check it every 5 minutes because I feared I would miss out on a new post or update. I had it all backwards. What I would be missing out on was what was right in front of me if I had just looked up from my phone. Real life, real people, and real moments are what makes life so exciting.

Be the person who makes people feel seen and not overlooked. I encourage you to take some time and refocus your energy into your relationships and roles you play each day. Be the best in-the-moment version of yourself. Things come up, and life can get in the way, but prioritize your conversations and time spent with the ones who bring meaning into your life.

I will never be too busy to give my all into my relationships with my family, friends, and God. They are my backbone, and the reason for who I am today. I have learned from the best. My parents value family time and we spend so much quality time together. Our bond is strong and unbreakable because of how much we love and appreciate one another. Your brain will begin to store beautiful memories away instead of the recent notification that popped up on your phone. Rid your life of any interferences that cause yourself to distract you from what matters most. Be present because you will not regret it.

Remember to stay humble and kind, always!

Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:

Instagram: jess_puch

TikTok: jesspuch

xo –Jess



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