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Pivot Your Plans

To all my New England readers: Did you stay safe and warm during our first blizzard of 2022? I stayed cozy indoors and had a relaxing movie day with my family.

With the pandemic still in full effect, plans and trips have either been put on pause, cancelled, or rescheduled. My fellow employees at the Puritan Backroom restaurant had to postpone our holiday employee party twice due to the rising number of COVID cases around the holiday season. It was a necessary step to take, but also a bummer because we are all one giant family, so it is rare that we all get to enjoy and spend time with each other in a non-work setting. This led a couple of my coworkers initiating an “Unofficial” Puritan Backroom employee party this year. Anytime you plan on going out, be sure to be mindful of those around you and make sure you are feeling 100% healthy before seeing anyone outside of your everyday circle. These are troubling times that we are going through, so health comes first!

As saddened as we all were about having the dates of the party postponed, it was a great reminder to not focus on the negative, but rather on the alternative. When one plan does not work out, another opportunity presents itself. It was not held in the standard Puritan Backroom conference room we always have our holiday party in, but it was a nice change of scenery. Those who were able to make it made the night a blast. I got to spend time with coworkers I have not seen in so long because our schedules are not synced. There were new faces as well as familiar faces, but the best part about our second family is, no matter who is present, it is always a wonderful time. We all spent the evening mingling, endlessly laughing, singing along to the live music, and dancing the night away on the dance floor. Now if you’ve ever seen me post videos of the annual holiday party before, you know we all LOVE to be on the dance floor.

Pictured below are some of my lovely coworkers that were in attendance. If our party was never postponed, this night spent with some of my closest friends and coworkers would not have occurred. “Pivot” is a word that my fellow SNHU teammates love to use when we need to reassess and adapt to new strategies at work. Pivoting our holiday party plans at the Puritan Backroom, in this case, was a complete moment of spontaneity, which turned into some of the best moments made this year. Just remember that if plans are moved around, do not fret, as there is something even better in store!

As Ross Geller in the TV show Friends, played by actor David Schwimmer would say: “PIVOT!”

Remember to stay humble and kind, always!

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Instagram: jess_puch

TikTok: jesspuch

xo –Jess



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