Perseverance is Powerful
Yesterday was Father’s Day. The picture below is of my dad and I this weekend when we went to go look at the professional sand sculptures at Hampton Beach, NH. One of the presents we gave my dad this Father’s Day was a corn hole set, and we broke it out to play as the sun started to set. The first game was my dad and my uncle versus my grandpa and my mom. My dad and uncle were crushing the game round after round, and about halfway through, my brother stepped in for my grandpa. In my head it was a no brainer that my dad and uncle were going to win, but I just had this gut feeling that as soon as my brother stepped in, the game would shift. Always trust your gut because I was right! Suddenly my mom and brother kept climbing the scoreboard and as the underdogs, came out on top, persevered, and won the game! It came out of left field, but it was such a thrilling game to watch, as there were points being cancelled out continuously and beanbags being sunk in the holes round after round.
There are times when you are so fixated on one outcome that a surprise may be in store right around the corner. Change can happen in the blink of an eye. One thing is for sure: If you are on the underdog side and trailing behind, push even harder because with grit and perseverance, you can overcome any challenge that you are faced with!
It instantly makes me think of the 2017 Super Bowl game when the Falcons were up 28-3 and the Patriots, being the underdogs in that game, blew them out of the water, and ended up winning with a score of 34-28. All you have in those very moments are your faith and drive to play your hardest. You can truly accomplish anything you put your mind to despite the defying odds.
“Every champion was once a contender that refused to give up.” – Rocky Balboa
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
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Instagram: jess_puch
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xo –Jess
