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Mr. 305 in the 603

Hours before the Pitbull and Iggy Azalea concert kicked off last night in Gilford, New Hampshire, my mom and I decided to spontaneously purchase tickets, and shockingly scored incredible seats. We got to the venue early enough to tailgate and enjoy a make-shift charcuterie board in my car along with drinking some bubbly, as we listened to all of Pitbull’s songs on shuffle before the show. We even met up with a group of my friends from the Puritan Backroom, which tied the whole night together as we were surrounded by great company.

We were at the “I Feel Good” tour and we had a blast singing along to every song. The energy from both on stage and the crowd was incredible. This was the first concert my mom and I have been to since before COVID-19 hit, and it was surreal to immerse ourselves into a live-music setting.

In between songs, Pitbull took the time to speak from his heart, and so much of what he said resonated deeply with me. Here are a handful of quotes from Pitbull last night that I believe all of us can take something valuable away from:

“There’s only one race, and that is the human race. We all bleed the same blood, and breathe the same air.”

“When we realize we are more similar than we are different, we can make the world a better place.”

“We all speak music. Music is a universal language.”

“Age is nothing but a number. They get older, but we get younger.”

“Don’t let anyone tell you who you can and cannot be in life.”

“You have the power to turn your life from negative to positive.”

“We’re so connected on social media that we are actually disconnected from the world.”

"No amount of likes or followers should dictate who you are as a person. Be a leader, not a follower."

“We live in a world where the fake get celebrated, and the real get hated on.”

These are just a few of the many powerful statements Pitbull (AKA Mr. 305 or Mr. Worldwide) made, and every single one of them stood out to me. He really knew how to connect with the audience, and not just perform, but empower. That speaks volumes about his character. The whole venue was filled with so much diversity and age ranges, which made me smile. We all needed a night filled with music and joy after living through the roughest year and counting.

I encourage you to take a moment and ask yourself what makes you feel alive? What brings you joy? Take those answers and do what makes you feel most happy here on out. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, so make every moment count, take risks, and live spontaneously, all while staying true to yourself!

Remember to stay humble and kind, always!

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Instagram: jess_puch

TikTok: jesspuch

xo –Jess



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