My best friend Abby earned her Master's degree, and we were able to celebrate her profound accomplishments in such a lovely manner. Pictured below is Abby and I the day Carol and I took photos of her in her cap and gown. Furthering one's education is commendable and deserves to be recognized and celebrated! Abby is a true master in her field of study. How cool is that?!
Notice today's title? It is inspired by Abby's favorite artist, Taylor Swift, whose newest album, Midnights, has a song on it called, "Mastermind." I thought that was fitting for this blog post.
I have witnessed her true dedication towards working on her studies since she started, and even more closely as roommates. It has been awesome powering through our homework together and having an accountability buddy. She has succeeded in improving upon her writing course after course. I've read her personal writing as well as her professional writing through her line of work as a Copywriter. She has a true gift of writing, and I cannot wait to see where it takes her! I am so beyond proud of her!
Seeing her finish her program has me itching to finish my degree. I am in my second to last course in my program, and am very close to the finish line. I am so excited!
I am passionate about higher education and currently work in that field. If you ever want to discuss ways to further your education with affordable options, please let me know. Many employers offer excellent tuition benefits that are little to no cost out of pocket, which is remarkable. Opportunities are endless. Allow yourself the chance to grow your mind, expand upon your current skill set, or try something totally new! There is no age or scheduling barriers in achieving educational goals. When you put your mind to it, anything is possible, and I have been blessed to witness that every single day.
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
