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Live Life with Love & Laughter

My heart is deeply saddened after the news broke out that actor and comedian Bob Saget passed away this weekend. It is a true tragedy because of how sudden, unexpected, and young he was. His loved ones will continue to be in my continued thoughts and prayers. He had posted on Instagram not even 24 hours before passing that he had an amazing time performing comedy at a show that evening, which struck a different chord inside me. You truly are not promised tomorrow, which is why it is incredibly important to live in the present and cherish every moment as if it is your last. Bob Saget was fully immersed his last night doing something he loved and was so passionate about.

Bob Saget is best remembered as the host of the television show, America’s Funniest Home Videos, and the character, “Danny Tanner,” that he played on the television show Full House and also in the reboot of the television show, Fuller House. He was a TV dad to millions of us. I grew up watching him on TV, so it was nostalgic when the recent reboot of Fuller House premiered with the cast of Full House all grown up. It’s as if no time had passed, which goes to show just how special that show was in many of our lives.

When I think of Bob Saget, I think of a genuine and kind-hearted soul who brought so much comfort and laughter into my life through the screen. As I read through comments on social media from Full House cast members and watch resurfaced interviews with him in it, there is a common pattern of how wonderful he was. He was a true friend to every cast member for the last 35 years since Full House aired. He was a jokester on and off the screen, where his love for comedy was always apparent in all that he did. He gave the best hugs and always reminded everyone in his life through ending every interaction, whether it was in person, over the phone, or through a message that he loved them.

I bet our favorite television dad is looking down on us now encouraging us to live life with love and laughter – two emotions that he embodied the most! Be sure to love the life you live. If you are struggling right now, just know better days are right around the corner. You can find something positive in every day no matter how small. Be a source of love and light to everyone you meet. Seek love in all that you do. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Laugh so hard that tears stream down your face and your stomach starts to cramp. Do not sweat the little things. Sure, there are instances where we become sad, annoyed, or upset, but at the end of the day, you should be pushing aside all grudges and worries, and be happy that you have been blessed to live a new day. This is your sign to check in on your family and friends, give them a big hug, and tell them that you love them. If words of affirmation are not your strong suit, then show your appreciation of love through non-verbal actions.

Pictured below is a photo of my Spanish grandparents, who I call Aia and Tata. A few months ago on my birthday, I went to go see them and my grandma who knows very little English, presented this heart-shaped fried dough called “torta frita” to me and said: “I love you” in English. They are an astounding example to look up to for expressing and embodying unconditional love, and I am very fortunate to talk to them and visit so frequently.

Jodie Sweetin, who played the role of “Stephanie Tanner” in Full House said it best in her Instagram tribute post to Bob Saget. She incorporated one of her character “Stephanie Tanner’s” famous lines.

“You were supposed to be here longer… How rude.” – Jodie Sweetin

We have just barely begun 2022, so let this be the year of constant “I love you’s,” quality time spent with family and friends, and immersing yourself into what life and the world around you has to offer as you chase your dreams and passions to create a lasting legacy. Make Bob Saget smile and laugh from above!

Remember to stay humble and kind, always!

Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:

Instagram: jess_puch

TikTok: jesspuch

xo –Jess



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