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Lights, Camera, Action!

Getting to work remotely at Southern New Hampshire University opened the door for me to relocate from New Hampshire to Florida in 2022. There is nothing better than year round sunshine. So many SNHU employees work in Georgia and Florida that our President Paul LeBlanc and University Provost Lisa Marsh Ryerson kicked off a regional event tour called SNHU to You. The first leg of the tour was in Orlando, FL for FL and GA employees to meet up for a town hall-style event for an opportunity to hear about university updates paired with a Q&A session alongside a delicious cocktail hour and dinner.

Abby, my roommate and best friend, works for SNHU as a copywriter, and also doubles as a FL employee. We woke up early and road tripped from south Florida to Orlando the morning of, since she was asked to work the event. Abby had the opportunity to create interview questions and ask them in a professional makeshift studio setting to a variety of SNHU employees that day. I was invited to be interviewed and happened to be Abby's first interviewee, which was so surreal to collaborate professionally with my best friend. I am so incredibly proud of her as I got the opportunity to see her shine and be in her element. Abby has a knack for making you feel valued and comfortable. I was glad I got to break the ice and be her first interviewee of the day to kickstart her groove for those who followed.

Since I got to the event early to be interviewed, I was one of the first attendees at the check-in table waiting for more people to arrive and chatting with those on the SNHU event team. Those who work at SNHU are such kind individuals. One of the event team employees came up to me and told me I was rocking my dress, which brought such a smile to my face. Paul and Lisa are also such personable humans. When Paul walked through the door, he was beaming from ear to ear and immediately came up to me, said hello, and welcomed me with a hug. I then got to meet Lisa for the first time, who will be taking over for Paul as he retires in the coming months. Lisa and I had such a great conversation. I let her know I am a double SNHU alumna and received my Bachelor's degree in Communication with a double minor in Psychology and Justice Studies on campus and my Master's degree in Communication with a concentration in New Media and Marketing online. I relayed that I came full circle as a current SNHU employee who is looking forward to the potential opportunity to hop into the Marketing/Communication space at SNHU.

Paul got to connect with Abby, my other friend Jesiree, and I, and we got some frame-worthy photos taken. Paul has been a shining light to SNHU during my time as a student and employee, and for many years prior in his role. It is bittersweet to see him retire, but it is also so well-deserved. It's not a goodbye, but rather a see you later because I know he will keep in close connection to the SNHU community post-retirement. Lisa has big shoes to fill, but I just know she will transition into the President seat effortlessly and continue to carry out SNHU's mission with such joy. Both Paul and Lisa carried such meaningful and genuine conversations with the 100+ attendees throughout the evening. The meet and greet aspect of the event filled my cup. I got to meet and mingle with so many wonderful peers who work in various departments at the university. I ended the evening speaking to Lisa, and getting a photo taken with her. After speaking with so many people that day, she remembered exactly who I was and reiterated points from our conversation earlier.

This was such a worthwhile event and photos can be seen below. It was so special to be able to gather in person during an era where we work remotely and far away from New Hampshire. Impactful conversations, endless smiles, and amazing company flowed from start to finish. You are who you surround yourself with, which makes me #SNHUProud to work with such fantastic people at an organization who values, supports, and cares about one another!

Remember to stay humble and kind, always!

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Instagram: jess_puch

TikTok: jesspuch

xo –Jess



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