It's Giving: Thanks
There is always a reason to celebrate, always time to be grateful, and always moments to stop and think of things to be thankful for. Tis the season of giving thanks. Thanksgiving is approaching this week, and I always love taking some time to sit down around this time of year and reflect on what brings me happiness and to cherish life. No matter if you are in a season of high high's or low low's, things can always be better and can always be worse. Each era in our lives will shape us for the better. I encourage you to take some uninterrupted time to jot down the things worth celebrating in your life! Write it down on a piece of paper or in your Notes app on your phone. Whatever is easiest!
Below is this year's list with 11 things as we are in the 11th month:
My ever-growing relationship with God and my angels
My family, friends, and I's health
Finishing my Master's degree with a 4.0 GPA
Calling Florida my new and current home
Going to Disney World multiple times this year
Travelling every month this year
Attending many weddings this year
All of my travel adventures set for 2024
Growing my professional experience in marketing
Being tan in the sunshine state year round
My newfound love for playing pickleball
Wishing you all a joyous and healthy Thanksgiving as we kick off the 2023 holiday season!
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
