Impactful Independence
For the longest time I put everyone else’s needs around me first before making myself a priority. “Me time” is quite important. You should love yourself first above all else and then pour energy into who and what you love. Take yourself out on a date or a self-care day. Embrace independence and enjoy your own company. Now more than ever amidst this pandemic I have loved prioritizing my alone time. I look forward to running morning errands on the weekends, grabbing a coffee and a bite to eat, and jamming out in my car to my favorite songs – which change daily! I’m currently loving “Don’t You Wanna Know” by my incredibly talented friend Noah Schnacky. This song features Jimmie Allen as well. Go check it out because this is the song of the summer!
Doing things alone is an empowering and liberating feeling, and also very necessary! You need quality time with yourself to decompress. Learn to celebrate yourself, compliment yourself, and cheer yourself on because who wants the best for you more than yourself? Find ways to be the best version of yourself even when no one is watching. I love to take drives, light a candle in my room at night before watching a movie, and journaling. Sure there are times where I experience FOMO (fear of missing out) from plans with friends, but taking a day to yourself is so important before you get burnt out.
Since the warm weather has finally arrived, go enjoy the outdoors! My neighborhood has this beautiful pond that I take a secret wooded path to sit alone and soak in the view. There is nothing better than listening to the peaceful sounds of nature with a cool breeze paired along with the beaming rays of sun. Taking a break from social media, even if it is for a couple hours is so refreshing too. Give yourself a mental break away from all the busy online distractions.
The best kinds of friendships are ones where you can enjoy the comfortable silence and enjoy each other’s presence without needing to entertain the other around the clock. The more love you put into yourself, the more confidence you will exude, and thus, the more effortless your relationships will be. You must be centered and rooted with your internal and external presence before you can pour your time into anything else.
Embrace the quietness. Your best thoughts will spew from the quality time you give to your well-being. Do not bury your face into your phone screen or laptop. Look up when you are out and about so that you do not miss out on what is right in front of you. You will start to love treating yourself to alone time when you stop fearing being alone. You will not find happiness if you search for it from an outside-in approach, or seek external validation. Happiness starts from within, and you have the sole power to enjoy, celebrate, and be you.
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
