Hot & Cold Winter
Christmas is NEXT weekend! I truly cannot believe it is creeping up so fast, and that 2022 is coming to a close soon. Living in Florida where there are no drastic signs or changing of seasons has been quite interesting to experience. I am ecstatic to not have to endure a harsh winter season this year, but it almost feels like we are stuck in a time loop down here. It has cooled down a bit, and by cooled down, I mean it is now 80 degrees – LOL. My body for sure has adjusted to the heat, and I get colder much quicker.
The months mesh together with the consistent sunshine and warm weather. Putting up seasonal decorations is the only tracker you have for the seasons and holidays. I have driven by countless palm trees lit up with Christmas lights, which is such an uncommon sight as a New Englander.
As the holiday season is in full swing, it is important to remember the true meaning of Christmas, and the reason behind why many of us celebrate it. For those who believe, Christmas Day is said to be when Jesus was born. Growing up, the nativity scene was a core display in our living room. I even took part in being an angel in the nativity reenactment at Christmas Eve mass when I was in elementary school. One year, I had to fill in for the lead angel, and I fainted during it – angel wings and all, LOL.
Sprinkle some Christmas spirit and smiles wherever you go. Remember to emulate joy and kindness to make the holidays cheerful and brighter for all. Here at 324, we have a Christmas tree, which is pictured below, and stockings hung on the mantle. We have watched Christmas movies, and are all getting into the holiday spirit as Floridians! We are also looking forward to driving around one night this week to look at Christmas lights and decorations in our surrounding towns.
My favorite Christmas movie is Elf. I laugh throughout the entirety of the film each time watching it while also quoting it. Fun fact – I did recreate the escalator scene in real life, which had my family's eyes streaming with tears of laughter.
“I planned out our whole day. First we make snow angels for two hours, and then we’ll go ice skating, and then we’ll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse cookie dough as fast as we can, and then, to finish, we’ll snuggle.” – Buddy the Elf from Elf
No matter how old you are, do not neglect brining out your inner child during the holidays. Channel your inner Buddy the Elf and do what makes you happiest. The magic and joy of the holidays is inside you no matter where you are. I am happy to be in flip flops for the first time ever this winter season, but I am also looking forward to traveling home next week all bundled up to be with my family for Christmas. I’ll get a glimpse of the cold, and am very much looking forward to returning back to the heat. If anyone needs a winter escape, you are truly always welcome to visit!
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
