Hooray for Hobbies
What are your hobbies? I tend to get stumped on this question when people ask me because I enjoy doing a lot of different things. My top hobbies are definitely writing and traveling. If I had the means to, I would love to be paid for what I enjoy doing in my free time. That is always something I can strive for! I could absolutely see myself traveling across the country and jetting off to different parts of the world, immersing myself into different cultures, and writing about my experiences. That is a true dream, and dreams can definitely become a reality.
If you are looking to pick up a new hobby, I suggest revolving a hobby around something that ignites your creativity, expands your knowledge, evolves your mindset, or keeps you active and in shape. What excites you? If time or money did not matter, what would you immediately gravitate towards doing in your free time? Think of a hobby as something you would spend doing every day if you were retired. I love to bake and cook new recipes, indulge in self-care treatments, journal, try new coffee shops and restaurants, explore new cities, etc. Hobbies can form out of leaping out of your comfort zone, trying something new, and realizing you enjoy it, so you continue to do it. I live near a Hobby Lobby store and if you have one near you, I highly recommend going into one, as you can find a new project to get into in each aisle. It’s a wonderful pass-time!
Try not to spend all of your time worrying about hustling to make money that life passes you by. Finding a work/life balance is so important in maintaining a healthy and well-rounded lifestyle. The best of both worlds is when you are passionate about your job that your work is considered a hobby because you truthfully enjoy going to work every day. I am fortunate to have such a fulfilling and rapport-built job that I can provide support and care into my students’ lives. If you find yourself stressing and dreading going into work every day and not finding hobbies or work that keeps you motivated, then please reevaluate where you are at and move towards making a positive shift. Do more of what makes you the happiest!
“Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.” – Wayne Dyer
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
