Fly Away with Me
Hello from Las Vegas, Nevada! My family and I had quite the fiasco trying to get here yesterday, but I am so thankful that we made it safe and sound. I am notorious for waiting until hours before we need to leave for the airport to pack my suitcase. It gives me such an adrenaline rush knowing I have a firm deadline and it has to get done. I got roughly 2 hours of sleep before my alarm went off at 3am Sunday morning. We were dropped off in Boston with plenty of time to spare before our flight. As I was about to check my bag, my phone lit up saying our flight is cancelled and rescheduled for the next day.
After standing in line for over 2 hours to see if there were any other flights we could switch to that day, we were out of luck. I was determined to make sure we got to Last Vegas that day and I prayed and asked for a sign knowing it would all turn out okay. As I look down, there was a shiny penny and I instantly felt a sense of calmness and peace rush over me. My cousin James who is looking down from heaven leaves me pennies when I need them most. I knew that was James guiding us to ensure we got to Vegas that day.
“A penny found is sent with love and an angel’s blessing from above.” – Mary Jac
I went into brainstorming mode and looked up alternative flights from other airlines leaving to Las Vegas and luckily there was only one with exactly 4 seats left! There was a layover in Seattle, which we were all excited to get to pit stop there before heading to our final destination. We had to rush to another terminal to check in, check our bags, and get through security. This scene was straight out of a movie as we were booking it. As we were waiting for our new flight, my dad spots another penny, so I knew it was additional confirmation that we would get to Vegas that evening. With a turn of unfortunate events, our new flight got delayed. I don’t mind a delay, but the problem was that now our flight was going to land well after our connecting flight was set to take off from Seattle to Vegas.
I went for a walk and prayed that somehow all of us and our checked bags would make it to Vegas that evening. Prayer is beyond powerful. As I was walking back to our gate, I saw another penny. Third time is the charm! This wasn’t just a coincidence anymore. This was all meant to happen for a reason. My mom and I approach the gate counter of our delayed flight in hopes the attendant could help us. She worked her magic and was able to finagle and switch our flights around to get a direct flight from Boston to Vegas in the evening instead. At this point, we were going to arrive and miss the Cirque du Soleil show, which was non-refundable. This flight was our last chance to make it to Vegas that evening, so I prayed again seeking clarity that we would make it on this final flight. As I’m sure you’ve caught on to the pattern already – a fourth penny was found! My mom called the box office, and due to our situation we were able to rebook our Cirque du Soleil show for later in the week.
This series of pivoting our travel plans, was a draining, sleep-deprived, and stressful day. Although it was chaotic, my family and I took each pivoted plan and turned it into an optimistic perspective. Your plans are not always going to turn out exactly how you want them to. There will be various roadblocks that come into your path, but not letting it get you down and trusting that what is meant to be will be is the best possible mindset to have. In the midst of everything going wrong, take a moment to breathe, and stop and realize that everything is going to turn out just fine.
After an entire day spent into the airport and 24 hours of being awake, we finally landed in Las Vegas. We were not sure if our luggage was going to make it because it was originally set to go to Seattle. As I walked out of the plane and into the airport, a fifth penny was found. I truly believe it was a final culmination of our fiasco to let us know that it is time to enjoy ourselves. Our luggage appeared onto the conveyer belt, which was such a miracle.
Pictured below is a spot located in The Cosmopolitan, which definitely sums up our travelling adventures. Cheers to a well-deserved family vacation in a brand new city in celebration of my brother Michael’s 21st birthday. Stay tuned for next week’s blog where I’ll elaborate on my time spent in Vegas and all the wonderful memories that were created!
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
