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Fearless Foodie

Who is a fellow foodie like me? I love all different cuisines from various cultures. My mom and I have made it a tradition to have a mother/daughter date night as often as our schedules allow to go out to a new restaurant or order something new from a restaurant we have been to before. It’s always exciting to try new items and experience the foods together. Pictured below was our most recent trip to Destination India in Derry, New Hampshire. Each time we go there we try a new dish to expand our palettes and add new items to our favorites list. I love spicy food. The more discomfort due to the heat level, the better. It’s a sense of accomplishment getting through it. This restaurant has 4 levels of heat: mild, medium, hot, and Indian Spicy. I have tried the Indian Spicy level, and let me just tell you: the leftovers that soaked overnight were even spicier the next day, yet still delicious!

You can always play it safe in any choice you make in life. Are you someone who sticks to your comfort zone, or are you someone who enjoys testing the waters out and rocking the boat? I do love classic dishes at restaurants and know I can always fall back on it when ordering, but you won’t know you like something unless you try it. Expanding your perspective will unlock so much potential, and you may surprise yourself with how much you enjoy your new picks. New food options may become your next favorite food!

My mom and I are sushi fanatics. I remember a time when I was younger where I could never imagine ever enjoying sushi. I only ever tried a piece of a California roll and that’s all my mind thought sushi was. I was proved wrong because I went out to my now favorite New Hampshire sushi spot, Mint Bistro, and decided to not be weary of trying it. I went into it already convinced that I liked sushi. Your life will be forever changed once you eat the Red Sox sushi roll from Mint Bistro. I was hooked ever since the first bite! I will always order that roll each time I go there, but I will also pair it with a new roll to try out as well. If you like seafood, but are hesitant to eat raw fish, please reach out to me to help recommend some options or let’s go on a sushi trial outing. I love supporting people in new adventures.

Trying new foods and anything in life in general is all about taking baby steps. You will be proud of yourself for trying something new, and can always fall back on your comfort zone. What new food or experience are you planning on trying next?

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch

Remember to stay humble and kind, always!

Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:

Instagram: jess_puch

TikTok: jesspuch

xo –Jess



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