Exuding Joy
Just call me Joyous Jess! I’ve been asked countless times how I remain so positive and joyful. Truth be told, it was a shift in mindset. I can choose to wake up and be happy or I can choose to wake up and find reasons to be unhappy.
I keep a list in my notes section in my phone. Each day I type out one thing that made me happy. It’s a humbling reminder to know that even if I’m having a bad day, not one day can be entirely bad. There's always something to smile about. I encourage you to try marking down something positive about each day. It’s a great reflection to look back on once you maintain it for an entire year.
What brings the joy out of you each day? I find joy in the simplest things. I can be smiling for the whole day if my coffee was made just right at Starbucks. I beam from ear to ear when I watch and soak in a pretty sunset. I do a little happy dance in the car if my favorite song comes on when I hit shuffle for the first time. I'm filled with joy watching those I care about react as they open presents from me on their birthday or the holidays. True happiness is being present to see others smile. Giving the gift of joy is far better than receiving it.
What ultimately drives my joy is my unwavering faith. I believe I wake up every day because God is not finished with me yet. I have a purpose to carry out that I'm nowhere near finished with. Shifting your mindset knowing you have a true calling deepens your drive to leave a fulfilling, meaningful, and lasting legacy here on earth.
John 15:11 says, “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”
The only chance you are promised is today, so strive to live fearlessly and pour out love and joy to those around you. Happiness is a choice. Latch on to anything that brings you delight and you'll start noticing that you wake up each day more energized and eager to seek out the pure joy that is all around you.
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
