Evolving and Ever-Changing
Think back to when you were younger and what exactly excited you. Did you collect anything? I had a giant phase where I was obsessed with Webkinz. Who else remembers those? It has easily been over 15 years since I fed them in my virtual reality Webkinz site – LOL.
As we have gotten older, our interests have changed, and we have grown out of childhood trends and evolved into having adult interests. Do not get me wrong, I still have that inner child in me and get nostalgic over trends that have faded away. However, fashion trends are coming back for women, like wearing hair scrunchies. That is all I wore growing up in the 90’s, and flash-forward to my mid-20’s and that is all you will see me wearing if my hair is tied back.
What is your latest and greatest collecting craze? I cannot walk into stores such as T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, or Bath & Body Works and not leave without a candle (or a dozen). Every season requires a specific scent. I have an entire cabinet that stores all of my candles. Your jaw may drop when you ask me how many I have in my stockpile. A burning candle just brings me so much calmness and happiness.
For my birthday last year my family gifted me a special birth date candle, and it was easily one of my favorite gifts. It is pictured below. It is so personalized and gives you so many facts around your actual birth date. Definitely go check out the company’s website and consider it for a future gift idea: www.birthdatecandles.com
Aside from candles, items that get me excited when purchasing include, kitchenware appliances or gadgets (that is when you know you have reached the peak of adulthood), comfy or athletic clothing (because I work fully remote from home now), and designer perfume fragrances when I want to treat myself because the aesthetic of the bottles are classy and beautiful.
Trends will come and go, and then return again unexpectedly. Continue to grow and evolve in each ever-changing phase in your life. Let your interests blossom, and always gravitate towards anything that excites you and makes you smile.
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
