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Enough Time

I was scrolling through Instagram, and came across this account on my explore page, @ fullspiritquotes, and they had a slide deck of photos from account, @crazyheadcomics, that is run by Matilda Heindow. She is a Swedish artist, advocate, and author, who shared some incredible wisdom that inspired this blog post.

"I don't know who needs to hear this, but you have enough time. Enough time to rest without feeling guilty. Enough time to try and fail, change direction completely, and discover new paths. Enough time to slow down, to spend quiet moments with yourself, to close your eyes and breathe, to unclench your jaw, and drop your shoulders. Enough time to meet the people who will understand you, to find the place that will make you feel like you've finally come home. You are not running out of time. Your future is coming along in your own pace." – Matilda Heindow

Who else does resonates with those reminders because they surely resonate with me. I know there is so much more opportunity out there for me that I am pursuing and hoping to reach. In due time I know what is meant to align in all areas of my life will. Comparison is tough not to fall into and be distracted by. I see people all around me working in their dream jobs, living financially free, falling in love, having children, etc. I desire all of those things, and am putting in the work each and every day to attract all of those aspects into my life. I am loving my current season in life, and feel incredibly blessed to by the chance to live each day to the fullest and be a light to others in the time that I am granted here on earth. I fully trust in divine timing, and those close to me will advocate that I am an extremely patient person, so I don't mind waiting for those areas to level up and align nicely into my path when they are ready. I wholeheartedly believe it all will in due time. Always believe in your value and worth, and live out each day with grace and kindness. For the time spent here on earth should be spreading light and love.

Time is also tricky. There is so much of it in hindsight. There is also little to none of it when it passes us by in the blink of an eye. (Hey that rhymed!) Time moves on as quickly as waves crash. Time is unpredictable because we truly don't know how much of it we have left in our lives. What I do know is that you and I have the present moment. We have time right now. What do you want to do with your time? Time is precious and not guaranteed. Do you want to spend it doing things that make you the happiest surrounded by loving people, or do you want to let your time be stripped from you by stresses, anxieties, worries, uncertainties, and people who suck away your happiness from you? Do you stretch yourself too thin for others, or do you prioritize yourself and preserve your energy?

I've learned to cut myself off from toxicity and relationships that do not serve me any longer. Moving away from home has preserved my time, and allowed me to stay in contact with those who truly bring me joy. When visiting New Hampshire, I reunite with those who value my time just as I value theirs. Allow yourself to live a life where your time and energy are sacred and valuable, and be sure not to hand it out to just anybody or any open door. Those who want to reach out to you will. Opportunities, experiences, and relationships that are meant for you and are in proper alignment for your purpose will find you. Reciprocate the same energy to every opportunity, person, and moment that comes your way and is presented to you, and not an ounce more. Your time, your life, and your happiness are all precious, and nobody is in control of it except for you.

Remain pure with all intentions, and live lovingly. For time is of the essence.

Remember to stay humble and kind, always!

Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:

Instagram: jess_puch

TikTok: jesspuch

xo –Jess



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