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Delightful Dull Days

Sometimes our schedules can feel mundane and repetitive, don’t you think? Work and school are consistencies in my day-to-day routine. Since the pandemic hit, my plans have slowed down quite a bit, allowing for more time to focus on myself and cherish quality time with those around me. It’s caused there to be quieter and duller days scattered throughout each week, which has been beneficial for my well-being.

I do aim to schedule mini goals and plans each week to look forward to times outside of my consistent schedule. I’m thankful for my down time and am also thrilled for what is to come that is out of the ordinary. The duller days should not be overlooked though because it is a time to be at ease rather than overwhelmed or pulled into a million different directions.

Focusing too much on what is ahead can deter you from focusing on the present day. Don’t plan out your life out too much because unplanned experiences are often the best kind! There is not one day that is a waste. No matter what each day brings, it allows you to shape your growth. Continue working hard to fuel your drive for success, but remember to not overbook yourself. Spend some time each week focusing on self-care. Build time into your calendar to go out with friends and family, or even plan out a long-awaited vacation. Balance is key, but what I have cherished the most lately are the duller days. Curling up on the couch, cooking a new recipe, and watching a movie are elite days in my book. One of my New Year’s resolutions this year was to try out a new recipe each week. My favorite one so far, is pictured below – Asian glazed turkey meatballs!

“Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience, worse days give you lessons, and the best days give you memories.” –Unknown

Schedules will always be ever changing. I know more exciting days and moments are on the horizon, but it is crucial to soak in the down time too. I am grateful to have started out 2022 with a lighter schedule, as I have plenty of trips planned in the coming months to look forward to. However your schedules are set up, know that it can change at any given second. Embrace the current season that you are in while finding joy in the simplistic times. Enjoy the present day as you look forward to your next adventurous moment!

Remember to stay humble and kind, always!

Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:

Instagram: jess_puch

TikTok: jesspuch

xo –Jess



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