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Continuous Change

There is beauty and delight in change, as change takes you down different avenues you did not envision for yourself. Abby, Carol, and I went to a new coffee shop on Sunday morning called, Third Place Coffee Lounge in Boca Raton, FL. We had our hearts set on ordering their February special: Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal Milk Iced Latte.

As we got up to the counter to order, we were informed there was only enough cereal milk available to prepare one more latte for the day. I quickly had to switch my plan and order something I did not intend to, but it presented me with the opportunity to shift my mindset and try something else on their menu.

Recently, I have experienced a lot of abrupt shifts in my path that I thought would go a certain way, but panned out differently. I am a firm believer in everything will fall into place how it’s supposed to. Rejection is redirection, and that means even better opportunities are out there for me. New opportunities present themselves before we can even predict them to, which is the beauty of the future and of the unknown.

If I had tunnel vision focus walking into that coffee shop and not stopping to look around me, I would have never stumbled across a penny on the ground (sign from heaven), or a beautifully bloomed hibiscus flower that is pictured below. This is your reminder to not be set in your ways, and to be open to all that is around you. Continuously adjust your perspective to see the beauty in all change because change is inevitable, so let's embrace it. New sights, opportunities, experiences, and moments will pass you by if you do not allow yourself to open up and broaden your scope.

Remember to stay humble and kind, always!

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Instagram: jess_puch

TikTok: jesspuch

xo –Jess



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