Christmas Cheer
This is the final Monday blog post of 2021. Wow, this year has gone by in the blink of an eye! How was your Christmas? I hope it was spent with those you love most! I had an eventful long holiday weekend. My best friend flew up from Florida and we got the chance to grab dinner last Thursday with a couple of our friends. It was a memorable girls night out, and great to catch up with them.
The next day was Christmas Eve where I picked up a shift at the Puritan Backroom. It’s one of my favorite shifts to work each year because everyone is filled with pure joy and are in great spirits. The first customer I interacted with complimented my hair and loved the tinsel I had put in it for the holiday season. It put such a smile on my face! That whole shift I got the chance to work with some of my favorite coworkers, and I also got to chat with so many wonderful people who came in whom I have not seen in forever. I soaked in every moment and interaction because seeing those around me beaming with joy makes me the happiest. My time at the restaurant flew by and before I knew it I was at my grandparents house to celebrate the rest of the evening.
My mom’s side is Spanish, so a tradition that we have upheld is always eating dinner late at 11pm, and then opening presents at midnight. It ends up being quite a late night, but the hours fly by and are such a blast. It isn’t a Spanish party without music, so we spend the whole night laughing, dancing, and if we are lucky, my grandpa will sing to us in Spanish.
Spending time with my family is something I always cherish. Both of my grandparents on my dad’s side have soared up to heaven and I miss them dearly, so I am fortunate to still have both of my grandparents on my mom’s side here with us. Life is precious and it really is the small but meaningful moments that make life worthwhile. My grandpa pulled me aside that night to let me know that no one else makes my grandma laugh like I do, which touched my heart because we share such a special bond. When I reflect on it, it’s true. I genuinely want to bring joy and light into everyone I meet.
Fast forward to Christmas Day, we did not get home until almost 3am from Christmas Eve, so my family and I slept in late, and then opened presents and cooked a delicious brunch later on. Our day was peaceful and relaxing. We carried on our annual tradition of going out for Chinese food later that night, and afterwards we drove around different towns in search of the best Christmas lights. I radiate with happiness when looking at all of the beautiful lights. It’s such a simple yet spectacular sight.
I wrapped up the holiday weekend by grabbing lunch yesterday with my coworker/friend who happens to be my neighbor! It was such a great way to finish up the weekend. Catching up with friends is always great!
All in all, I had a busy yet wonderful holiday spent with those who I love and make me smile. As you wrap up 2021, be sure to enter 2022 with those who have your top interest at heart. Take initiative and make sure that the energy you give out is reciprocated. Time is beyond valuable, and you deserve nothing less than the very best.
“The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.” – Josiyah Martin
I wish you an unforgettable New Year, and I will see you in 2022!
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
