Be the Light
Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day as well as what would have been Betty White’s 100th birthday. Both were extraordinary human beings and stood their ground for what was right. Martin Luther King Jr. was a social activist for civil rights and justice, and Betty White was a woman of many talents, but her passion lied as an avid animal rights activist. If we can take what these two stood for and implement it all into our lives, the world will be a much better place. Together we can implement a magnitude of positivity.
When you actively fight and stand for what you believe in, the path will never be easy. In life, there are hard lessons to learn, obstacles to overcome, and effort to be made. When pursuing your passion, peace, and love, there will always be outside forces trying to tear you down from your pursuit. Remember to remain strong and keep going.
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
Equality, peace, justice, and endless love will not be easy to obtain entirely in this world if we keep letting hate and differences stand in the way. One small win will always be one step closer to achieving a brighter world. If everyone had the same viewpoints and physical appearance, society would be dull. Our differences are what make us unique. There is only one of you on this planet, so do not let anyone dull your beliefs, insult your appearance, or make you feel lesser than anyone else.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
What do you stand for? Who and what do you love? What is your passion? Outside opinions should provide you ample fuel to light a fire inside of you to continue to prove others wrong. Live your life filled with everything that makes you the happiest. Love truly conquers all.
“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
You set the tone for each day in your life. Ups and downs are all a part of your individual story. The journey of life isn’t meant to be easy, but it is meant to be experienced through what makes you passionate. Embrace every single moment. Follow your heart, dreams, and passions. Take bold risks and step outside of your comfort zone. Learn from mistakes because tomorrow is a brand new day. Love fiercely with all of your heart and might. Be a light and example for others by being authentically you.
“Everybody needs a passion. That’s what keeps life interesting. If you live without passion, you can go through life without leaving any footprints.” – Betty White
Continue on and be the light that Martin Luther King Jr. and Betty White were. Believe in yourself. Believe in others. You are meant to leave an incredible impact on this world, and I cannot wait for what is in store for each and every one of you.
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
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Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
