2/22 - The Big 3!
Wow! The Big 3! Today, 2/22/24, marks 3 years of blogging! There was a team ice breaker question asked at work today, which was, "What is something you are most passionate about?" Because today is my blog anniversary, my instant response was my blog. I have such a passion for connecting to all of you through my writing. I launched this blog when it was peak pandemic time as a creative outlet to bring positivity and encouragement in such a dark time in the world. As the years flew by, my thoughts, advice, and storytelling have elevated, and in turn have been shared out to all of you week over week! I am grateful to be able to have all of these posts to look back on to serve as a reminder of how my late 20's have been.
In reflection, this past year was a whirlwind of busyness. I was traveling every month, both internationally and domestically, and often multiple times a month. While so many fabulous memories were created, exhaustion crept up on me. In the second half of 2023, my Master's courses became increasingly harder and more time consuming, my job kept me busy, and my travels kept me very on-the-go. My days were constantly spent on the screen and my energy was being stretched thin. When I would find time before bedtime to crack open my laptop to write a new blog post, I would often fall asleep sitting up and wake up in the middle of the night to find the computer screen still placed perfectly on my lap with the screen dimly lit. I was eager to get posts up on time, but time quickly slipped away with everything I was juggling. I always put my authentic best effort in my posts and did not want to compromise on that, so I gave myself grace to ease back on posting weekly. This allowed me to fully prioritize putting my all into wrapping up my Master's degree while still updating you all as often as I did.
The mini blogging breaks here and there allowed me to have so much more to share with you all as I continued to post through the remainder of last year and into this new year. I have officially graduated with my Master of Arts degree in Communication with a concentration in New Media & Marketing with a 4.0 cumulative GPA. While I could not maintain perfect consistency with blogging weekly this past year, I was able to perfectly round out my higher education, which is such a profound accomplishment to me.
Thank you endlessly to my readers for continuously supporting me in my blogging journey. It makes me feel a sense of closeness to you all knowing you have an inside lens into my life and outlooks. Although I cannot see who individually reads my blog, I am blown away when someone approaches me or messages me that they read my posts. If I can positively impact, encourage, and inspire just one person through my writing then I know there is purpose and relatability to my posts. If you enjoy reading my blog posts or have any topic requests for future posts, please text me, send me a direct message on my social media platforms, or scroll down to the bottom of this page to fill out a submission. I would love to hear from you!
Year 4 of blogging is looking so bright! I have a lot of new and exciting travel adventures domestically and internationally in store. I cannot wait to take you along with me in the thrilling times and in the every day moments talked about on this blog. Let's keep striving to be the best versions of ourselves. Together we can collectively be such shining lights in this world. I am blessed beyond belief to continue this blogging journey with each of you!
Remember to stay humble and kind, always!
Follow me on my personal social media platforms to stay up-to-date with my every day life:
Instagram: jess_puch
TikTok: jesspuch
xo –Jess
